can be very important to do some background checks. Employers frequently take on highly avoidable risk when they don’t run background checks on employees before hiring. However, there are many different types of background checks available, and they all look for slightly different things. You may want to look into county, state, and national criminal records, as well as federal criminal records. Read through the different types below and make a list of the types of checks you’ll need to perform to make your business secure.



Criminal Records

The reason to list these here is that there are more than a few different types of criminal records, and they each need to be looked in to separately. County, State, National, and Federal Criminal Records are all categorized under different systems, and need to be looked in to independently. National criminal record searches can identify non-local crimes committed by an applicant, and are typically not cross-referenced with county criminal records of that applicant’s home, so it is up to you to make that connection.

Driving Records

These can be accessed to determine whether or not your applicant or potential tenant is a risk-prone personality types, or simply doesn’t handle a car very well. This is, obviously, crucial in transportation based professions, but is also important in any hiring that might involve handing someone a company car some similar display of merit.

Credit Report

You can check an applicant’s credit report in order to know the general trend of how they handle their finances. This is highly useful if you’re looking to lease or let out an apartment, but can also be a large factor in financially based professions, or in any field that involves high degrees of monetary risk. A low credit score means that a client tends to pay off bills and late. Use this as a factor in your hiring process. It can be highly important to hire individuals who have a good credit score in certain sectors.

The Retail Theft Database

This database reports records of shoplifting and employee theft. Many of these thefts were dealt with in-house and would be unavailable on public records, but would be easily attainable going through this database. Using this information can help you spot people who are likely to embezzle or bend the rules when they think that no one is looking.